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New European organic label

From July a new stamp will identify food produced organically within the European Union (EU) guaranteeing consumers that it meets the high European standards.
The new logo, called “Euro-leaf”, shows the white EU stars in the shape of a tree leaf on a green background. Next to this, other private, regional or national symbols can be placed.
This new and unique obligatory label will certify that the product carrying it has passed the strict European controls for this type of food: it will guarantee that at least 95% of the ingredients have been produced organically; that it complies with the regulations of the official inspection plan; that it comes straight from the producer or shipper in a sealed container; that it does not contain genetically modified organisms (GMO) unless these have been unintentionally incorporated into the product and constitute less than 0.9% of the ingredients; and it identifies the producer, the shipper or retailer and the inspection body.
The label should indicate the place where the agricultural raw materials were produced. Organic products from countries outside the EU will not have to carry this label, but their distribution in the market will only be permitted if they have been produced and controlled in conditions similar to those in the EU.
The market for organic products, according to EU data, grows at an annual rate of between 10% and 15%, and between 1997 and 2006 the amount of organic food in the total European food market increased from 0.5% to 4%.
Source: Consumer Eroski.

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