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Soria Natural has been exhibiting in Expo West in Anaheim, USA, where the natural products community gathers around the big ideas that are feeding the latest trends for healthy products in the international markets.
It is the world's largest natural, organic and healthy products event, and experienced another record-setting year hosting more than 85,000 attendees including industry pioneers and a new generation of innovators shaping the future of healthy products. The show, produced by New Hope Network was held March 7th-11th at the Anaheim Convention Center and brought together 3,521 exhibiting companies, including more than 600 first-time exhibitors.
“The Show provides a fantastic opportunity to discover great new trends and products, and to expand our opportunities to the entire world. This Expo helps deepen my understanding of some of the most significant issues facing our industry. The spirit of Expo West is very focused on innovation and I came home with tons of ideas about how to grow our business and improve our product mix. We decided to exhibit in Anaheim to present on of our new product ranges, showing only a selection of our vast product catalogue. Our Let’srange is a rebranding of a selection of our most successful products on the international markets. The reason we decided for this rebranding is to adjust the products as much as possible to the requirements of the English-speaking markets, safeguarding the identity of our brand.” said Hans Buysrogge, International Business Development Dept., Soria Natural.